So today I did a lot of things.
a) I vistited Chambord Château
b) I bought exactly three post cards and met a nice guy who asked where I was from. (School will be getting postcard soon... someone email the address *rather pointed look at mum*)
c) Went to the supermarket (I love supermarkets almost as much as châteaus!)
At said supermarket which I love, I bought the following:
- TEA!! (yes, I found normal English breakfast (at least I think it is...) amongst herbals! GO ME is all I can say!)
- Chocolate (French chocolate is nommy at the very least)
- One thing of French bonbons (it is now a life mission to get to know the lolly aisle VERY WELL... like on a more than first name basis... on random nicknames and best friend basis)
- Batteries (please not: MY CALCULATOR STILL WON’T WORK!! need help PLEASE!)
- muesli bars
But first of all!!
This place is so nice! I wish I was the only one there and I could imagine up my adventures in peace/pick open locked doors!
There was a very large amount of people, which disappointed me. I mean, I loved all the English accent (*melltttsss*), but THERE WAS SO MANY PEOPLE. Maybe it’s just my upbringing of visiting empty, large places (not saying this place was small, though). Yeah, I can’t get over the amount of people.
ANNND most of them used the dreaded FLASH on Pretty Old Things! What’s up with that?? That’s practically illegal (as far as I’m concerned) in Australia and I honestly thought the French would have been far more careful about their Pretty Old Things.
The bed spread things clashed....
heh heh
Then there was the room for The Children. The poor kids were treated like little adults from the moment they were outside. They even had little busts of themselves in their desks. LITTLE BUSTS. What a life. To be treated well and fed well, but to never have a childhood or be really loved by anyone, but your Nursemaid. That is, if said Nursemaid loved you.
None of the guys in the paintings were very hot, so I can’t daydream about handsome, rich French kings, sadly. Or the stories and scandals that go with them! But a lot of the females were pretty good looking. Maybe it’s just a put-on, like this one was (the painter went against orders! *gasps* OFF WITH HIS HEAD!... and paint those bloody white roses RED!). At least SHE didn’t die. Or get beheaded. Or whatever. She was just The Kings Beloved Sister from then on.
All the paintings of the men were fat, ugly and with several chins. *Sigh*.
One painting made me giggle a fair bit. The subject evidently did not want to be there and for some reason, she was painted looking like she’d walked into the men’s change room by accident. Just without the blush. Maybe the painter didn’t like her...
The foorline is amazing!! I giggled at the thought of the architects trying to draw it xD
Seriously, CAN you imagine trying to capture that on paper??
So yes, I had a ball.
I promise to post more pictures soon, just of Chambord and ALSO (you lucky duckies) more of my photo essay, once I have more time to edit them.
I love you!
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