Sunday, November 28, 2010

Keep Calm and Text Sherlock

Sunday 28th

About my (very lazy) day. ( you all want to hear about what I'm DOING, rightios?)

Not to worry about not getting a good picture last night, IT FREAKING WELL SNOWED !!! From 11am to now (6.30pm) it’s been snowing pretty must constantly. When I went outside at about 4pm, there was an inch and a half on the ground. Of course I took pictures! I’m not bothering to edit these, they’re white!

And yes, mama, I DID take some pictures of myself! Wowsers, right?

The forecast is:

Today (Sunday): 0°C / 1°C
Tomorrow (Lundi): -4°C / 1°C
Mardi (Tuesday): -6°C / 1°C
Mercredi (Wednesday): -3°C / 1°C

We all have our fingers, toes, legs and arms crossed the snow’s still on the ground tomorrow and we don’t have to go to school! SNOW DAYS! YAY!

1 comment:

  1. This is sooo exciting!!
    And we love the photos - all of them, as well as seeing you in them and actually there! Yay!

    Love you xoxo
