Friday, December 10, 2010

I was perfect...

So after reading Tavi's Blog post on the movie
The Black Swan
and I am now terrified of Doppelgängers. How? you ask. Well. I read this thing in Wikipedia about them and then I read up more (this is the magazine article of the scientific study) and now it’s like the time I read the Wikipedia plot line of The Blair Witch Project and had nightmares for a week. (Yes, that did happen. Can you tell I hate horror movies yet?)

Speaking of movies, today I saw a movie in Italian with French subtitles for my Italien class. I rock so bad. Still haven’t quuiiiite worked out what was actually happening, but there was pretty pictures!

And when I find out the name, this shall be edited and will include more about the pretty pictures!

So. Today I've been in an entirely good mood because I've had Crack the Shutters by Snow Patrol stuck in my head! It’s kept me in a good mood, even though I’ve been singing the same bit over and over again (the start). I have no idea why, it’s just a really good happy-maker! Not that I’m not happy, I’m just tired (thank god for holiday’s!!).

I cooked fish with flour and salt and lemon juice on it. I’m still not used to northern fish! It crumbled :( but it tasted good, all crispy!

That was my day.

I’m just going to go look over my shoulder for the next hour and not look my reflection in the eye.


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