Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Grew My Own Body!

'The World's a big and scary place.'

'Oh, and I shall love it.'



I've been really lazy full stop.

Like, about everything.

It was a week since I wrote in my diary. Can you believe that?

Snow has melted :( ... well, there's still a fair bit (it snowed a little last night) but not a FUN amount (AKA no school).


today: -3°C / -1°C , cloudy

tomorrow: -8°C / -2°C , SNOW (:D)

Vendredi (Friday): -7°C / 0°C , sun

Samedi (Saturday): -7°C / 5°C , rain

(FOUND IT!! My new favorite video!! (let's forget this is by a POPular Artist for now))

So I thought I'd just do some pictures rather than stuff, cos I should have a nap rather than spend ages chasing up if Florence Welch is six-foot... (you’ll find out later!).

I'm lazy.

Did I mention that?

And here’s those goddamn pictures! (Yes, WeHeartIt DID get a workout!!!)

Anyone else super disappointed that the rest of the world loves Florence? Should I be? Should it be good that a band is getting that much play (and / or money)? Or should I just want to keep the best things to myself and be selfish?

Epic interview with Florence Welch, from whom I totally stole the title!!! (As if I'm in such a creative mood to actually think something like THAT up ... I'm having trouble reading Harry Potter 7 (if that says anything about my mood))

I’m listening to NEW Florence and the Machine stuff, like Heavy In Your Arms which is on this awesome website! …. Does anyone else think that that was some poor guy dragging Florence Welch around? I’m not being mean, but she IS tall. I mean, Tom Ballard and Alex Dyson are tall and she’s tall with them.

Tom Ballard Is Tall:

Stole this picture from here

And because this picture was on it's side, here's the link so you can actually see whether or not she's tall. She is!! Why not just take my word and all the time it took trying to find proof can get wasted?

Why am I proving they’re tall and therefore she’s tall??

She doesn’t need heels!

Or maybe she likes them.

I wonder where she buys them? ‘Specially made or at a drag-queen’s store? (I’ve heard that’s where you go if your feet are too big and you don’t want them especially made).


There we go, at my blog, I write about IMPORTANT things.

I love you!! Have fun!

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