Friday, December 17, 2010

I feel lost without you, internet

I wrote this yesterday.

As you BRILLANT people may have noticed, yes, I have the internet back.


(Please note I am writing this in a w o r d d o c u m e n t ... Yes, they still exist! And no, nothing beats Google Docs for awesomeness, the fact I am SO FREAKING ORGANISED on it (my blog posts are DATED) and the fact that other peeps can see what I'm writing if I so wish.

Reason WHY I'm writing this in technology already forgotten (kinda):

The Internet is stuffing up and I can't even Google what it's saying! Which is:

Serveur introuvable

Firefox ne peut trouver le serveur à l'adresse

* Veuillez vérifier la syntaxe de l'adresse

(saisie de au lieu de par exemple) ;

* Si vous n'arrivez à naviguer sur aucun site, vérifiez la connexion

au réseau de votre ordinateur ;

* Si votre ordinateur ou votre réseau est protégé par un pare-feu ou un proxy,

assurez-vous que Firefox a l'autorisation d'accéder au Web.


Gah, no Internet! I miss you, baby!)


Now! Onwards into a Noël Tree (Please note the dots ... The only reason Christmas has been replaced by Noël! Yays all round for DOTS!!)

(Internet is still not working ... )

I'm not even sure if I've blogged these pictures. I find them in the depths of my USB and I think 'Wow, that WAS a long time ago' and then wander off to look at other things and think other things, but now there's no Internet, well, I had to do SOMETHING whilst it repairs itself (REPAIR REPAIR REPAIR). So I looked and, well, they're not GOOD - good, but one always thinks that about past endeavors. My first Picnik experience included. (Lights are flashing ... Is that a positive sign that the Internet is okay again??).

And, you know, while I can't even upload my pictures (*POINTED LOOK* at the wireless) I managed not to use the word 'good' three times in three sentences.



Still no Internet.

Sadly, no snow for a while.


I would take a picture of the bags under my eyes, but it's REALLY LATE (this time *POINTED LOOK* at myself) and I should sleep.

Wish me luck for my 6am start tomorrow. Luckily I FINISH AT 4PM so I am cool. And get home before the sun sets (at around 4.45pm at the moment, but it's getting shorter!!).

OH and I dissected a frog today. Well, more like F did, I looked away at the cutting parts and tried not to vomit. But I kinda got in to it. Kinda. Then I smelled like FROG for the next two periods (Physics et Chemie) where we also did an experiment. Which was exciting even though I haven't quite worked out what we were actually making! Nothing exploded ... *sad face*. Finished at SIX PM which makes me a total gun. From the time I wake up to the time school finishes is TWELVE hours. WOW OH WOW.

Bed now.

I do love how this is more my diary now!

I believe the writing is ACTUALLY mine.

Both of these. The one above is a photo taken BY me from Rosie, Chas, Juliet and Fitzy (it's a working title, okay!!), one of my future books. And don't think this isn't happening! I've almost finished two exercice books and several pens. FYI


OH LOOK links! These are Currently-Just-Now ones!
eyes on a wall
Home to me
the floral print is it

One day I'LL have a skirt like that

Alisoun Townsend's Blog

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